Does your child have difficulty eating and/or maintaining an adequate weight? Problems such as aversion to all foods in a particular group or with a particular texture, choking, gagging,
vomiting, nasal reflux, or a history of coordination problems with breathing and eating often indicate a need for therapy.
Feeding issues often manifest themselves early in life. An infant who routinely cries and fusses during feeding, or has difficulty transitioning to baby food, a cup, and eventually solid foods by
16 months of age, may be helped by early therapeutic intervention.
During the initial evaluation we take a careful history of your child’s medical history, development, and symptoms. We look at the strength and movement of the muscles involved in chewing,
sucking, and swallowing. We observe the feeding to see your child’s posture, behavior, and oral movements during eating and drinking.
Feeding therapy varies greatly depending on your individual child. It may include exercises for sensation, strength, and coordination of muscles involved in feeding, recommendations for special
foods, equipment, or techniques to improve feeding and swallowing.
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